Training and development
The CSAB and CSCP offer a comprehensive training programme as part of the Joint Learning and Improvement Framework. They ensure that local and national best practice and learning is shared across Calderdale. The framework sets out the standards that all safeguarding training must adhere to. It provides a strategy and direction for developing the workforce to ensure it is competent and confident.

Multi-Agency Training Programme 2024/25
The training programme provides face-to-face and live on line sessions for the adult and child workforce across Calderdale. Please discuss your training needs with your manager to find the best course for you and ensure they are aware of courses that you book.
Download Multi-Agency Training Programme 2024/25

In addition to training and events, we offer a wide range of e-learning which you can complete any time online.
Download the E-learning Offer 2024/25
Access Multi-Agency Training System
More information
Accessing learning and development
We are using an event management system to request face to face training and e-learning. The registration process for this system and course selection is the same for e-learning and face-to-face training events.
Allocation of a place is dependent on authorisation by CSAB /CSCP staff after which you will receive an email to confirm your place. Create an account or sign-in to access the full offer.
All courses are free (unless stated otherwise) to people who work with people at risk and in need of care and support in Calderdale.
Cancellation policy
Anyone unable to attend a face to face course, is required to provide three working days’ notice. The learner needs to cancel their place in the event management system, providing a reason for cancellation, in order to release the booking.
In the event of sickness or other unexpected reason for absence on the day, it is a line manager’s responsibility to find an appropriate replacement to attend. If a replacement learner will be attending, it is important that this information is brought to the attention of the trainer and made clear on the signing in sheet. The original delegate needs to cancel their place in the system as soon as possible stating that a replacement attended on the day. The ‘replacement’ delegate then needs to request a place to show that they have attended.
Non-attendance or late cancellation of training courses wastes valuable places that can be used by other individuals.
If a learner does not attend a booked event, or cancels within 3 working days (without a replacement), a fee of £50.00 will be charged.
Data on absences is collated and discussed by the CSAB and CSCP at the Learning and Improvement sub group.
Charging policy
Currently, all training is offered free to people who work in Calderdale with children, young people, families, adults at risk or in need of services who live in Calderdale. Licenses have been prepaid for the eLearning courses and therefore registering for a course uses a licence that cannot be re-allocated if you do not complete the course. Therefore, in these circumstances if an eLearn course is not completed in the allocated time a cost of £30 will be leveed.
The Cancellation policy for live online or face-to-face training makes it clear that there will be a charge of £50 for non-attendance or cancellation without the required notice.
Get in touch
For further support or advice please email
If you have identified any gaps in training, please complete this Learning Request Form and email to