There is also a dedicated advice line for professionals, parents, carers and young people, for information – Early Help Guidance and Advice, (accessible version)

Training and development
To help us maintain a high standard of care, it is a key priority for us to provide ongoing training and development for professionals who work with children.

West Yorkshire procedures manual
These inter-agency procedures set out the steps professionals should take if worried about a child.

Resources and guidance
Each local area develops guidance to provide direction or advice to a decision or course of action to safeguard Children and Young People.
More information for professionals
Child Safeguarding Practice Reviews often find a combination of good service provision and good practice, alongside lessons to be learned about how these can be improved to help ensure that such events do not happen again.
Neglect Child exploitation Prevent Online HarmThresholds
Emergency Contact and First Day Calling Procedure
- Emergency Contact Form and First Day Calling Procedures
- Emergency Contact Form and First Day Calling Procedures – Accessible Version
Early Years and Child Care Providers
Safeguarding and Security Guidance for settings working with Children and Young People
In addition to existing HAF 2024 guidance, the below links provide guidance for education settings and out of school settings, including afterschool clubs, community activities and tuition, on safeguarding, security and lockdown procedures:
- After-school clubs, community activities and tuition: safeguarding guidance for providers – GOV.UK
- Protective security and preparedness for education settings – GOV.UK
- ACT for Education offer E-learning for all staff, including non-staff working across education settings
- ProtectUK , Counter Terrorism Policing’s counter terrorism and security online platform, offering advice and guidance to businesses and the public to help keep them safe from terrorism.
- Templates for School and college security – GOV.UK
Please also see our briefing on Safeguarding and Prevention of Accidents on Educational, Community or Sport related Visits
Mental Capacity Act
- A guide to MCA assessments
- A brief guide to carrying out Capacity Assessments
- A brief guide to carrying out Best Interest Assessments
- Basic overview of best interest principle
- Making Best Interests Decisions: People and Processes
- Briefing on Supreme Court Judgement on deprivation of liberty in health and social care
Harmful Sexual Behaviour (HSB)
- Harmful Sexual Behaviour – Screening Tool
- Harmful Sexual Behaviour – Checklist tool
- Harmful Sexual Behaviour – Assessment Tool
- West Yorkshire Consortium Inter Agency Safeguarding and Child Protection Procedures – Harmful Sexual Behaviour
- Calderdale Harmful Sexual Behaviour Tool
- Safeguard Guide No 4 Sexually Harmful Behaviour
- Calderdale Harmful Sexual Behaviour (HSB) Panel Terms of Reference (Updated)
- Calderdale Harmful Sexual Behaviour (HSB) Panel Operational Guidance
Working with Non-Engaged Families
If you are working with families with children and young people, who are not engaged with services, resulting in professional concern about unknown or emerging risk, follow the Pathway for Working with Non-Engaged Families.
Trauma Informed
Missing Children
Working with Men
Research in Practice (RIP) have produced a Briefing Document – Working effectively with men in child and family social care which aims to help professionals think about the role of men in families and how to work with men inclusively and effectively where children’s welfare and safety is a concern.
Their Practice Tool summarises the evidence in relation to working with men in families where there is children’s social care involvement. It also includes reflective questions for practitioners and managers.