Reporting concerns

Are you worried about someone? It is important that you report your concerns to us, as soon as possible. This will help to ensure the well being of the person continues.

I'm concerned about an adult
Female sat at computer as male teacher demonstrates tablet

Training and development

A key priority of Calderdale Safeguarding Adults board is the training and ongoing development of staff. This helps us maintain the high standard of care and support we provide for adults.

More information

Joint Multi-Agency Safeguarding Adults Policies and Procedures

View Policies and Procedures

Resources and guidance

Each local area develops guidance to provide direction or advice to a decision or course of action to safeguard vulnerable adults.

Browse A-Z

More information for professionals

Making safeguarding personal Prevent Safeguarding Adults Reviews (SARs)
Mental Capacity

Safeguarding Week 2024 – Neil Allen webinar on Mental Capacity and Deprivation of Liberty for those aged 16 and above.

Working with Non-Engaged Adults

If you are working with adults aged 18 or over, who are not engaged with services, leading to professional concern, this guidance should be taken to assess if non-engagement from the adult, or their family increases risk: Working with Non-Engaged Adults Guidance

Sexual Safety and Relationships

Calderdale Multi-Agency Sexual Safety and Relationships Guidance aims to support practitioners, staff and managers to understand what processes they need to have in place and how to respond where there has been an actual or alleged sexual safety incident or concerns about the appropriateness of a relationship.

Social Care Institute of Excellence (SCIE) highlights some of the key areas where providers and statutory agencies could take action to improve sexual safety:  Sexual abuse in care homes – SCIE