
Safeguarding Children from Neglect

Empowering professionals to respond effectively to Child Neglect in Calderdale.

Explore our new Neglect Strategy, Guidance, Assessment Tools for Working with Child Neglect.

Safeguarding Children from Neglect

Welcome to Safeguarding Calderdale

A Local Safeguarding Partnership’s primary focus must be the safety, protection and promotion of the welfare of all children, young people and adults at risk. Safeguarding is about promoting the rights and welfare of all people but also protecting the most vulnerable children, young people and adults from harm. Each and every one of us has a duty to safeguard, protect and promote the welfare of others. Safeguarding is everyone’s business.

Children and young people

If you feel unsafe or worried about something, we can help you with support and advice.

Advice for parents and carers =


If you are an adult or a relative or friend and feel someone is unsafe or you are worried, we have advice and support.

Get support


Find training, resources and guidance suitable for professionals and volunteers who work with vulnerable adults and children.

I safeguard children I safeguard adults
Magnifying glass over document

Find a resource

We have a large collection of documents that are helpful for professionals who safeguard adults or children.

About the Organisations