
Calderdale Safeguarding Adults Board are once again supporting the Ann Craft Trust Safeguarding Adults Week by hosting a number of events, and promoting the sessions on offer by Ann Craft Trust.
Please look through the programme to see what is availabe and how to book.
Safeguarding Adults Awareness Week Programme 2024.
We are also promoting the new Threshold Guidance for Safeguarding Adults at Risk. This document has been created through extensive multi-agency consultation and is designed to assist practitioners with decision making when there are concerns that an adult with care and support needs is at risk of or is being abused or neglect.
Thank you for working together to keep adults at risk safe in Calderdale.
Monday – Safeguarding is Everyone Responsibility; Kindness
Dimensions of Difference – Pre-recorded video of an explanation of the Social GGRRAAACCEEESSS, fundamental to the systemic approach, followed by a live Q and A session.
Join Zoom Meeting at 14:00 using this link (no need to download Zoom)
- Meeting ID: 899 3231 3098
- Password: Difference
Family Group Conference: A child’s perspective – Short video explaining the Family Group Conference and the benefit of this model
Information Sharing and Consent (Safeguarding Adults) – One in a series of pre-recorded safeguarding adults training webinars on different subjects. Sign up to SCIE for free.
Safeguarding adults training webinar series
Making Safeguarding Personal – Steven’s story (Safeguarding stories) addresses issues of: Making Safeguarding Personal; Vulnerable Adult; Neglect; Adult Safeguarding
Message from Helen Madden (WYP) – Police Lead for Partnerships and Early Action in Calderdale
Poverty, Child Abuse and Neglect: Interrogating a ‘neglected’ relationship
Working Together in challenging times (change, challenge and innovation) Short keynote speech by Professor Nick Frost (Calderdale Safeguarding Children Partnership Independent Scrutineer):
The invisible voice of children under two – One of a number of Learning Podcasts produced by the NSPCC.
Link to Webpage and podcast.
Adult Safeguarding Practice Questions – Document including Q&A covering a range of questions e.g. Is self-neglect a safeguarding issue? When does poor care become a safeguarding issue?
Everyone Has a Right to Feel Safe: Speak up about the unspeakable – Easy Read powerpoint presentation explaining adult safeguarding.
Launch of the Harmful Sexual Behaviour Panel – Leaflet which explains the purpose of this new hub in Calderdale and how to refer.
Download file: Safeguarding_Behaviour_Leaflet.pdf
Making Safeguarding Personal – Provides a range of resources which aim to support organisations to develop an outcomes focus to safeguarding work, and a range of responses to support people to improve or resolve their circumstances.
MCA in practice – Covers: assessing capacity; decision-making; best interests; care planning; representing the person.
Mental Capacity Act (MCA) training webinar series – A series of live and pre-recorded webinars. Registration is free.
Practice guidance: A relational approach – Describes how to work with families and young people using the 3 R’s – a relational and reflective approach.
Download file: Practice_Guidance_A_Relational_Approach.docx
Safeguarding Adults – Information on various aspects of safeguarding aimed at members of the public.
Safeguarding children and families during the Covid-19 crisis – Article covering Risk Factors; Abuse and Harm; Strengths-based practice; Reduction in services; Taking action and What you can do to help.
Safeguarding is Everyone’s Business – Useful handbook covering all aspects of Safeguarding.
Download file: Safeguarding_is_Everyones_Business_leaflet.pdf
Safeguarding Supervision – 7 minute briefing
Download file: CHFT_safeguarding_Supervision_7_minute_briefing.doc
The lived experience of the child – 7 minute briefing
Download file: 7_minute_briefing_-_The_lived_experience_of_the_child.docx
Understanding the daily lived experience of child/adult – Guide to the importance of understanding a ‘Day in the Life’ of a vulnerable child or adult and how to facilitate the conversation.
Download file: A_Day_in_the_Life_Jan_2020.docx
You Can Save Me – Poster produced by The Children’s Society and NPCC to promote everyone’s role in safeguarding.
Download file: CSAE_poster_-_external.pdf
Tuesday - Domestic Abuse and impact on children; Peer on peer abuse; Stalking, Controlling and Coercive Behaviour; Reducing Parental Conflict
A chilling and revealing lockdown short film – Surfaces – A brutal yet ultimately hopeful portrayal of loss, coercion, and domestic violence.
Building relationship skills – One plus one relationships charity website provides a range of information for practitioners and parents including video’s, activities, access to Click – a mobile-friendly platform for individuals, families and couples.
Coercive control – Michael’s story (Safeguarding stories) addresses issues of: Coercive Control; Emotional Abuse; Financial Abuse; Male Victim.
Cyber Security Awareness – A one hour webinar session starting at 9.00am covering:
- Risk & Reducing Vulnerabilities
- Current Cyber Security Threats,
- Advice on how to mitigate those threats, Identifying risk in young people,
- Early intervention and resources available to promote positive learning.
Contact rc25@westyorkshire.pnn.police.uk to express your interest by 19th June.
Domestic Abuse – In Your Hands – Aimed at potential perpetrators of domestic abuse, this webpage provides information, including details of relevant support organisations, short videos and posters.
Domestic Abuse Affects Your Children Too – This webpage includes short videos presented by a number of academics and specialists, leaflets, contact details if concerned about domestic abuse.
Domestic Violence Disclosure Scheme – Clare’s Law – Details about the campaign, includes how to make a request, posters, booklet, video’s, data.
Forced Marriage – Includes definition of forced marriage, a range of informative and powerful posters, short videos by Police and Crime Commissioner Mark Burns-Williamson, The Home Office, ChildLine, West Yorkshire Imam and relevant contact details. Link to website.
Impact of Domestic Abuse on Children – 20 minute video that explains how a child’s development is affected by adverse experiences, focusing on domestic abuse.
Reducing Parental Conflict – Relationship Matters website explains what parental conflict is and how to avoid; includes videos and how to get help.
Reducing Parental Conflict – Impact on children – See it Differently website provides a direct link to a helpline and videos that explain how parental conflict impacts on children and alternative ways to manage conflict.
Responding to Domestic Abuse notifications – aimed at Schools Designated Safeguarding Leads – Interactive training video presented by Steve Barnes (Schools Safeguarding Advisor) and Lynn Walsh (Staying Safe). CSAB/CSCP training platform.
The importance of reporting Domestic Abuse – Tell someone before it’s too late.
West Yorkshire Police Domestic Abuse – The page provides definitions, short videos, useful contacts and sources of help.
Caring Dad’s – Evaluation of the Caring Dad’s Project, Family Intervention Team.
Download file: Caring_Dad’s_DA_and_Impact_on_Children.docx
Covid-19 and Domestic Abuse – Powerpoint presentation highlighting increased risk of Domestic Abuse during the Covid-19 outbreak.
Download file: COVID_19_and_DA_Briefing.pptx
Domestic abuse and older people – Action on Elder Abuse.
Early Years domestic abuse process flowchart and Early Years domestic abuse guide – Email – QISO@calderdale.gov.uk.
Learning from local Domestic Homicide Reviews – Summary document based on the findings of recent DHR’s conducted in West Yorkshire.
Download file: Safeguard_Guide_No_13_Learning_from_DHR.DOCX
Recognising and Responding to Domestic Violence and Abuse – Guide aimed at Social Workers but relevant for all professionals.
Reducing Parental Conflict E-Learning – Access to a suite of 4 E-Learning modules: Understanding parental conflict and its impact on child outcomes; Recognising and supporting parents in parental conflict; Working with parents in parental conflict; The role of Supervisors and Managers. E-mail Allison.waddell@calderdale.gov.uk to request access to the e-learning. Please note, this is a limited offer and is not currently available via the CSAB/CSCP training programme.
Wednesday – ACE’s; Transitions
Download file: New_PPP_ACEs_for_LF_Safeguarding_week.pptx
How childhood trauma affects health across a lifetime – Short, informative video which explains importance of identifying and addressing ACE’s to promote long-term physical and mental health.
Impact of Domestic Abuse on Children (explains ACE’s) – Link to video
Addressing childhood adversity and trauma Infographic – Explains ACE’s, prevalence and what helps to prevent/overcome adversity.
Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE’s) – Short animation which explains ACE’s.
Childhood adversity , substance misuse and young people’s mental health – Expert briefing providing a deeper understanding of childhood adversity and young people’s use of substance. It suggests ways of making local services trauma-informed, and better able to meet the mental health needs relating to substance misuse.
Early Years Transitions – Summary Documents – Email – QISO@calderdale.gov.uk.
Mind the Gap – Transitional safeguarding – adolescence to adulthood – Strategic Briefing focusing on the challenges for children’s and adults’ workforce relating to sexual exploitation, gangs and violent crime – including domestic violence and abuse, modern slavery and trafficking. Link to download document.
The Care Act: Transition from childhood to adulthood – Resources to help local authority staff, social workers, young people and carers to plan for the transition to adult care services.
The mysterious workings of the adolescent brain – Sarah-Jayne Blakemore explains how typically “teenage” behaviour is caused by the growing and developing brain. Link to Website.
Transition from children’s to adults’ services for young people using health or social care services
Aimed at a variety of practitioners and services, this guidance includes recommendations on:
- overarching principles for good transition
- planning transition
- support before and after transfer
- the supporting infrastructure for transition
Transition from children’s to adults’ services: Quality standards
This standard covers the period before, during and after a young person moves from children’s to adults’ services in all settings where transitions from children’s to adults’ health or social care services take place. It covers all young people (aged up to 25). Link to webpage.
Transition into adulthood – Advice and support for Young People with Learning Disabilities transitioning into adult services.
Transition to adult services factsheet – Advice for parents and carers of children with life-limiting or life-threatening conditions who are living into adulthood, often with complex and unpredictable health needs.
Thursday – Online Safety; Scams and Exploitation
Child Sexual Exploitation and Grooming – Jake’s story (Safeguarding Stories) addresses issues of:
- Child Sexual Exploitation;
- Grooming;
- Night Time Economy;
- Male Grooming
Contextual Safeguarding Network – This website brings together practitioners, researchers and policy makers who are committed to protecting young people from harm outside of the home. The network is free to join and gives access to resources, tutorials, videos and briefings.
Child Sexual Exploitation ‘Know the Signs’ resources – Includes awareness raising materials from ‘Know the Signs’ campaign – videos, posters, radio advert, leaflets etc, useful contacts.
County Lines Awareness – Video Presentation by Amy Morris, Modern Slavery Training and Partnerships (West Yorkshire Police)
Cyber Security Awareness – Addressing Risk & Reducing Vulnerabilities:
- Current Cyber Security Threats,
- Advice on how to mitigate those threats, Identifying risk in young people,
- Early intervention and resources available to promote positive learning.
A one hour webinar session starting at 9.00am by DC Rob Cowgill and DC Neil Marshall (Force Protect Delivery Officer for West Yorkshire Police). Contact rc25@westyorkshire.pnn.police.uk to express your interest by 19th June.
How to avoid online abuse – Thinkuknow is the education programme from NCA-CEOP, a UK organisation which protects children both online and offline. Resources are available for children of different ages, parents/carers and practitioners. Link to case studies, videos.
How to report scams – Friends Against Scams aims to protect and prevent people from becoming victims against scams. It includes a link to free online training. See also: Citizen’s Advice website.
Online Extremism Explained – approved by the DFE and shared with Prevent Education Officers. This is a short, informative presentation that explains various terms and demystifies online extremism. Once you have accessed the site, use the password Password to watch the video.
Sponsor a Child Trafficker and Don’t Be Fooled – Money Mules – Links to 2 very powerful videos and supporting text aimed at students warning of falling into the trap of money laundering by the lure of easy money.
Top tips for staying safe on-line by young people for young people – podcasts and posters.
7 facts you need to know about Child Exploitation – Myth busting facts and a short video which describes stages of how children and young people are exploited.
Awareness of range of scams – Beware of Covid-19 scams – National Trading Standards is responsible for gathering important intelligence from around the country to combat rogue traders and tackle a number of priorities. This webpage provides information that is relevant to the current situation.
Contextual Safeguarding – 7 minute briefing
Download file: CHFT_7_minute_briefing_contextual_safeguarding.doc
Contextual Safeguarding – LGBTQ – Fact sheet and resources on how to best respond to the needs of LGBTQ young people.
Digital Safety during Covid-19: Safeguarding from harmful influences on-line – Guidance for parents and carers (includes exploitation, radicalisation and local contact details)
Download file: Digital_safety_during_COVID-19.pdf
How to report online abuse – Provides a range of information about keeping yourself or a child you know safe from child sexual exploitation.
Know your rights: Report, complain, campaign How to stop abuse – Aimed at adults, this informative website explains what is online abuse and harassment and what be done to stop it.
Online Safety – Information provided by Calderdale Council – Describes indicators, how to access support and links to resources.
Raising awareness of sending pictures online – Resources aimed at 12-14 year olds.
Youth homelessness, prevention and safeguarding young people aged 16/17: A housing perspective – Q and A session with Haydon Coventry, Team Leader, Calderdale Housing and Green Economy Contact Haydon Haydon.Coventry@calderdale.gov.uk to access this session 10am to 12pm.
Friday – Promoting Resilience; Promoting Emotional Health and Well-being
Early Years Emotional Health and Wellbeing Audit Tool 10.30 – 11.30am – Introductory Session via Zoom and e-mail – Email QISO@calderdale.gov.uk to book a place.
Healthy Minds promotional video – Details of services available and how to access.
Noah’s Ark Centre’s Therapeutic Play and CPD Discussion Videos
‘Therapeutic Play: Watch this, Take part and Have a Go’ videos are aimed at engaging Early Years and Primary aged children in play and creativity that is therapeutic and supports social and emotional development;
‘Therapeutic Play: Activities and Techniques for Parents/Carers and Educational Staff to put in their Toolbox’; and ‘Responsive CPD for School Staff in Calderdale on themes of Loss, Change, Uncertainty and Growth’ are recorded discussion videos targeted at professionals and school staff working with children and young people and responding to current themes and issues.
- Therapeutic Play: Watch this, Take part and Have a Go
- Therapeutic Play: Activities and Techniques for Parents/Carers and Educational Staff to put in their Toolbox
- Responsive CPD for School Staff in Calderdale
Substance Misuse and Young People during the Covid-19 lockdown.
Amy Taylor and Kris Halstead (Branching Out) will host a live session at 11am.
Branching Out are offering a ZOOM session for professionals to discuss any Substance Misuse issues related to COVID and find out how they have been working with young people during this time.
Branching Out Face Book page
Sign in for the Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 916 5420 8890
Password: 898208
Addressing Adversity: Prioritising adversity and trauma-informed care for children and young people in England – Comprehensive guide to addressing adversity and examples from practice.
Addressing childhood adversity and trauma – Infographic
Calderdale Mental Health Crisis Card
Produced in response to the death of a very young child by suicide and as part of the work in Calderdale to reduce suicides.
The contact sheet folds up into a handy pocket-sized card with information about a broad range of key services and support in Calderdale that can help an adult or child in a mental health emergency.
ChatHealth briefing sheet – Overview of the secure and confidential text messaging service for young people which allows them to easily and anonymously get in touch with a healthcare professional for advice and support.
Download file: ChatHealth_Briefing.docx
COVID-19 health and wellbeing resources for families – This guide brings together information and resources for families.
Download file: COVID-19_Resources_for_families.pdf
Download file: CYPs_EHWB_services_-_current_offer_during_COVID-19_(3).pdf
Developing Emotional Resilience and Wellbeing: a practical guide for social workers this guide is useful to any professional or volunteer working with children, adults or families.
Drug and Alcohol Intervention during COVID-19: a Harm Reduction Approach – This paper will briefly outline how Calderdale Recovery Steps have managed the needs of complex clients during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Aimed at children and people, this website includes Magazine – helpful articles, personal experiences and tips; Discussion Boards – Conversation with Kooth community; Message or live chat with the team; Daily Journal – to track feelings or emotions etc.
A new campaign from Public Health to support people to manage their mental wellbeing during this difficult time, using self-care resources.
Website which provides: advice, information, support and signposting on local and national emotional health and well-being services that help children, young people and families going through a difficult time.
Safespace is now available every evening from 6.30 – 10.30pm. The last call taken will be at 10pm. Staff will take some brief details and arrange a call back at an agreed time.
Call 01422 345154 or contact by Facebook (Safespace Calderdale) or email safespace@healthymindscalderdale.co.uk.
The Resilient Classroom: A Resource Pack for Tutor Groups and Pastoral School Staff – Aimed at school staff but useful for any practitioner, the activities are based on the Resilience Framework, developed by Professor Angie Hart et al to help children cope with day-to-day situations where they need to develop more resilience.
Other resources
Burns, bruises and scalds – 7 minute briefing
Download file: 7_minute_briefing_Burns_Bruises_&_Scalds_(BBS).doc
Female Genital Mutilation (FGM)
Briefing explaining what FGM is, indicators, legislation and mandatory reporting factsheet, what to do if concerned, links to other websites.
Knife Crime
Short knife crime awareness film is about a young lad called “Sean” who makes a life changing decision just to impress his school mates and ‘fit in’.
Safe Sleeping – 7 minute briefing
Download file: 7_minute_briefing_-_Safe_Sleeping.docx
Safeguarding posters – poster
Download file: Safeguarding_Week_2020_posters_(1).pdf
Serious Sexual Assaults – Includes poster, consent – cup of tea analogy video, reporting a sexual assault, contact details. Link to website.
West Yorkshire Police Neighbourhood Police Team and Community Support Officers – Officers will be at open air stands e.g. Supermarkets to provide information throughout the week on domestic abuse, controlling behaviour and will be in local areas distributing relevant information about scams and to raise awareness about safeguarding is everyone’s business.
What is abuse and Neglect? And What to do if concerned? – Postcards
Download file: Safeguarding_A6_postcard_v2_HQ_5.19.pdf
See also:
What’s on offer in Bradford during Safeguarding Week?
What’s on offer in Kirklees during Safeguarding Week?
What’s on offer in Leeds during Safeguarding Week?
What’s on offer in Wakefield during Safeguarding Week?