Online Safety, Exploitation, Scams and Radicalisation
Friday 25th June 2021
Live Sessions
Challenges Facing Children and Adults in an Online World
Aim of Session: In this two-hour session we will look into why technology, social media and the internet is so appealing to young and old alike. We will consider how it has become engrained into our lives, why this is the case and the impact it can have. We will consider some the approaches used by social media companies to keep us engaged and how it is being used to influence our thinking and perceptions of the world
Time: 9:45am – 11:45am
Length of Session: 2 hours
How to Book/Access the Session: Please prebook through the Calderdale Safeguarding Training LMS Enable
Peace Museum – Safe Online
Aim of Session: This workshop explores false news; online propaganda, uses real life examples from apps, games and websites to explore how narratives are manipulated and spread via social media imaging, messaging. Learning outcomes include:
- Recognise extremist activity.
- Be resilient to false and manipulative narratives.
- Act safely if exposed to it false and manipulative narratives.
- Enhance critical thinking skills to identify threats & negative influences.
- Raise confidence to resist and challenge extremist narratives, both on and offline.
Time: 10.00am – 11.00am
Length of Session: 1 hour session
How to Book/Access the session: Please prebook by emailing
Hate Crime & Reporting
Aim of Session: The Neighbourhoods and Cohesion Team, CMBC, will be raising awareness of hate crime categories and what support is available.
Time of session: 10.00 -11.00
Length of Session: 1 hour
How to Book/Access the Session: Please prebook a place by emailing
LGBT young people, identity and the internet
Aim of Session: The Brunswick Centre will raise awareness of language that LGBT young people are using, explore LGBT identity and how they navigate the internet
Time of session: 10.00am – 11.30am
Length of Session: 1 hour and 30 minutes
How to Book/Access the Session: Please prebook by emailing
Calderdale Police Children’s Early Action Team
Aim of Session: To gain an understanding of the Calderdale Police district’s Early Action Team, their work, success and referral mechanisms.
Time of session: 12:00noon – 1:00pm
Length of Session: 1 hour
How to Book/Access the Session: Please join this MS Teams Meeting
Understanding the voluntary and charitable sector – Important things to know if you use or refer to them
Aim of Session: Adults Services and Wellbeing will give an overview about the different types of charitable and voluntary sector providers and resources , increase awareness of the difference in provision and some of the things to be aware of when using or referring to them to try and keep yourself or the people that you work with safe
Time of session: 12.30pm – 2.30pm
Length of Session: 2 hours
How to Book/Access the Session: Please join this MS Teams meeting
Channel Panel and Prevent
Aim of Session: Presentation and Question and Answer Session with Prevent leads from local agencies. To provide an opportunity for professionals to ask questions to representatives from Channel Panel about the referral process, what to expect from Channel panel, prevent enquiries and discussion around Prevent Champion roles.
Time of session: 2pm – 3.30pm
Length of Session: 1 hour and 30 minutes
How to Book/Access the Session: Please submit expressions of interest to Alternatively, join this MS Teams Meeting.
Children Missing from Home & Child Sexual Exploitation/Child Criminal Exploitation
Aim of Session: This session will be presented by PC Matthew Howarth, Inspector Neil Taylor & PC Lewis Ainley. It will help you to gain an understanding of the missing from home process including Police and partners’ responsibilities in identifying and managing children at risk of CCE/CSE.
Time of session: 2:00pm – 3.30pm
Length of Session: 90 minutes
How to Book/Access the Session: Please join this MS Teams Meeting
Online Safety
Talking PANTS Video helps parents keep their children safe from abuse. The film shows just how easy it is to have those conversations. (Approximately 4 minutes).
Pantosaurus video from NSPCC can be used with children to raise awareness of online safety. (Approximately 2 minutes).
‘Lucy and the Boy’ video and “I Saw Your Willy” video is part of the NSPCC ‘Be Share Aware campaign’ to raise awareness about the dangers of children sharing content online. (1 minute).
The NSPCC ‘Let Children Know You’re Listening’ animation shows professionals how to respond when a child tells you about experiencing abuse. It is crucial that adults who work with children are able to respond supportively in the moment a child chooses to disclose, and to interact and communicate in a way that helps children feel listened to. (Approximately 2 minutes).
This NSPCC ‘Preventing Child Sexual Abuse’ animation explores simple steps we can all take to make children safer. (Approximately 3 minutes).
Get Safe Online have produced a series of short videos explaining some of the risks of going online, and provides easy-to-follow advice on how to avoid them.
This video from Parents Against Child Exploitation (PACE) is aimed at helping parents to know the signs of Exploitation. (Approximately 4 minutes).
Jake’s story (Real Safeguarding Stories) addresses issues of Child Sexual Exploitation, Grooming, Night-Time Economy and Male Grooming. (10 minutes).
This online presentation is on County Lines Awareness, by Amy Morris, Modern Slavery Training and Partnerships (West Yorkshire Police). (Approximately 43 minutes).
This video of a poem called ‘Dear Younger Me’ was written by two young people, Kem and Isha who wanted to express how they felt about the impact of violence and exploitation on young people. (Approximately 1 minute).
This short awareness film on knife crime is about a young lad called “Sean” who makes a life changing decision just to impress his school mates and ‘fit in’. (Approximately 7 minutes).
The University of Bedfordshire have produced four films with young people, on gang-associated sexual violence and exploitation.
This short, informative presentation explains various terms and demystifies online extremism. Once you have accessed the site, use the password Password to watch the video. (Approximately 10 minutes and 30 seconds).
These 2 very powerful videos about ‘Sponsor a Child Trafficker and Don’t Be Fooled – Money Mules’ are aimed at students, warning of falling into the trap of money laundering by the lure of easy money. (Less than 2 minutes).
SCIE’s video ‘Safeguarding adults: helping people to protect themselves from crime’ talks to older people who were robbed by distraction burglars and rogue traders about the shock, fear and deep disappointment such experiences can cause. (Approximately 10 minutes and 30 seconds).
The Home Office have produced a video – Prevent: An Introduction – which gives an introduction to how Prevent works on the ground, told by those who have come into contact with the programme. (Approximately 5 minutes and 30 seconds).
Modern Day Slavery
The Home Office have produced this general awareness video which includes information on how to spot potential victims, how they may be exploited and what you can do to help free the UK from Modern Slavery. (7 minutes)
This is a news article relating to victims of modern day slavery and how a victim got away at the outbreak of covid-19. (Approximately 4 minutes).
This a short video explains how victims of forced labour are often housed in poor or sub-standard accommodation. They may also have no say over their movements, where they live or where they work. (Approximately 1 minute).
This film aims to raise awareness and help staff identify the signs of labour exploitation. The film shows three scenarios before reaching the right approach to deal with the suspected case of modern slavery. (Approximately 7 minutes).
This is a real life account from a Modern Day Slavery trafficker (Approximately 10 minutes).
Harmful Gambling
Yorkshire & Humber Gambling Support Service have produced 4 videos exploring (less than 30 minutes):
Useful Links and Resources
Online Safety
HollieGuard is a Personal Safety App. With a simple shake or tap it App is activated and immediately notifies your chosen contacts, whilst pinpointing your location, and sending audio and video evidence directly to their mobile phones.
NSPCC Online Safety Webpage provides lots of information about talking to a child about online safety, setting up parental controls, advice on sexting, online games and video apps to help parents understand the risks and keep children safe.
Thinkuknow is an education programme from CEOP – a UK organisation which protects children both online and offline. Resources are available for children of different ages, parents/carers and practitioners. They also have a resource about raising awareness of sending pictures online.
Calderdale SEND Reference Group have produced Podcasts and Posters about the top 10 tips for staying safe on-line by young people for young people.
CEOP provides a range of information about keeping children safe online, and also explains how to report online abuse.
Stop Online Abuse is aimed at adults and explains what online abuse is, including harassment and what can be done to stop it.
Friends Against Scams is a National Trading Standards Scams Team initiative which aims to protect and prevent people from becoming victims of scams by empowering people to take a stand against scams. It also provides free online training.
National Trading Standards is responsible for gathering important intelligence from around the country to combat rogue traders and tackle a number of priorities, including raising awareness of Covid-19 scams.
West Yorkshire Financial Exploitation and Abuse Team investigate frauds, doorstep crimes and financial exploitation by family members, carers and people in a position of trust. They also run a number of projects to help keep adults safe. To find out more visit their webpage. You can also report your concerns to WYFEAT using their referral form.
You can also report scams to Citizen’s Advice Bureau.
The Government have produced this Guidance to help health professionals prevent child exploitation and protect vulnerable children that have been manipulated and coerced into crime.
Contextual Safeguarding Network – This website brings together practitioners, researchers and policy makers who are committed to protecting young people from harm outside of the home. The network is free to join and gives access to resources, tutorials, videos and briefings. Link to website, resources, articles, videos
West Yorkshire Police provide information about Child Sexual Exploitation including ‘Know the Signs’ campaign.
This LGBT Contextual Safeguarding Factsheet has been developed from statistics found in national reports. It provides you with an integral understanding of the experiences of LGBTQ (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans and Queer/Questioning) young people in schools.
Calderdale Council Online Safety (Prevent) webpage provides information including the signs of online exploitation and radicalisation and how to access support.
Harmful Gambling
GamCare is a leading provider of information, advice and support for anyone affected by gambling harms.
Young Gamers and Gamblers Education Trust (YGAM) has launched a new website dedicated to Parents.
Please take the opportunity to share your thoughts and evaluate resources that you have accessed during Safeguarding Week 2021.
It’s crucial that we get as much feedback as possible so that we can continue to learn from, and improve on future programmes.