Calderdale Safeguarding Children Partnership

The Calderdale Safeguarding Children Partnership (CSCP) has a shared responsibility to coordinate and safeguard and promote the welfare of children. This sits with the three safeguarding partners, the Local Authority, Integrated Care Board (ICB) and the District Police Force who have a shared and equal duty to make arrangements to effectively work together to safeguard and promote the welfare of children in line with Working Together to Safeguard Children 2023.


The aims of the Calderdale Safeguarding Children Partnership (CSCP) are to support and enable local organisations and agencies to work together in a system where:

  • there is a clear, shared vision for how to improve outcomes for children locally across all levels of need and all types of harm
  • when a child is identified as suffering or likely to suffer significant harm there is a prompt, appropriate and effective response to ensure the protection and support of the child
  • organisations and agencies are challenged appropriately, effectively holding one another to account
  • the voice of children and families combined with the knowledge of experienced practitioners and insights from data, provides a greater understanding of the areas of strength and/or improvement within arrangements and practice
  • information is sought, analysed, shared, and broken down by protected characteristics to facilitate more accurate and timely decision-making for children and families, and to understand outcomes for different communities of children
  • effective collection, sharing and analysis of data, enables early identification of new safeguarding risks, issues, emerging threats, and joined-up responses across relevant agencies
  • senior leaders promote and embed a learning culture which supports local services to become more reflective and implement changes to practice
  • senior leaders have a good knowledge and understanding about the quality of local practice and its impact on children and families

Calderdale Safeguarding Partnership’s Secretariat

The Safeguarding Partnership’s are supported by a shared Secretariat Unit, who comprise of:

  • Julia Caldwell (Partnerships Manager) who works with the 3 partners of the CSCP and with the wider partnership to understand how safeguarding interventions impact on children and families and who directs the work of the sub groups to ensure they deliver against the objectives set out in Strategic Business Plans;
  • Sophie Wrafter (Quality Assurance Officer) who manages and delivers a programme of Multi-Agency Audits and leads on a programme of engagement with children and young people, parents/carers and practitioners, and leads on policy and procedural development for West Yorkshire;
  • Jacquie Hellowell (Performance Management Officer) who co-ordinates multi-agency data and produces a Performance Management Report for partnership scrutiny and assurance to allow CSCP members to be assured about multi-agency safeguarding work and who administers the Organisational Safeguarding Assessment which examines quantitative and thematic results to be able to understand how well organisations and professionals safeguard people in Calderdale;
  • Sally Fletcher (Learning & Improvement Officer) who co-ordinates and delivers Calderdale’s multi-agency safeguarding learning and development programme for professionals across both adults and children services, leads on policy and procedural development for Calderdale and produces easy to use tools and guidance to help practitioners safeguard children and adults effectively;
  • Laura Crossley (Inspection Readiness Officer) who supports the Safeguarding Partnerships to prepare for multi-agency inspections including the Joint Targeted Area Inspection (JTAI) and the multi-agency aspects of the Care Quality Commission (CQC) inspection;
  • Julie Hartley (Serious Incident Review Co-ordinator) – who co-ordinates the Child Death Overview Process (CDOP) for Calderdale, Child Safeguarding Practice Reviews (CSPR), Safeguarding Adult Reviews (SARs) and Domestic Homicide Reviews (DHRs) on behalf of the multi-agency partnerships in Calderdale. Supports the Local Authority Designated Officer (LADO);
  • Lisa Golding-Smith (Business Support Co-ordinator) who provides business support to the CSCP, the Sub-groups of both partnerships, the Independent Chairs and Scrutineers, and to the Partnerships Manager.

Young Advisors

Calderdale Safeguarding Children Partnership (CSCP) has a subgroup of young people (aged between 13 and 17 years) known as the Young Advisors.

The Young Advisor’s role is to identify and explore some of the safeguarding issues that affect young people, by seeking the views of other Young People in Calderdale. Although the work of the Young Advisors is informed by the priorities of the CSCP, the young people choose what work they undertake.  Calderdale Safeguarding Children Partnership values the Young Advisors views and their feedback and comments assist in influencing the practice and multi-agency working in Calderdale.